The Document Library makes it possible for practices to store and share practice-wide documents electronically as well as make these documents readily available to share with clients through TherapyPortal. Your practice's Document Library is easily accessible from the main navigation menu at the top of every page in TherapyNotes - simply click on Library at the top of your screen to view the documents that are available to users in your practice.
At this time, only Practice Administrators can upload and edit documents in the Document Library. Practice Administrators can also enable or disable any form from being able to be shared on the client portal, preventing users from accidentally sending it to a patient. All users can view and download Library documents and share eligible Library documents with clients on the client portal.
The Library is organized into two tabs: Library Files and Portal Forms. The Library Files tab displays all clinical and administrative documents uploaded by the practice for internal or external use. The Portal Forms tab displays all the forms TherapyNotes offers to be shared with patients through the client portal. Practice Administrators can upload practice-wide documents such as blank forms, service agreements, and handouts to share with other practice users. Click the Upload File button within the Library Files tab to add documents for the rest of your staff to see. For more information, read How To: Upload Practice Documents.
If a document is added to the Document Library and eligible for portal sharing, practice users are able to send the document to a client through TherapyPortal for the client to review, electronically sign, or complete and send back to the practice. To send a Library document to a client, go to the Portal tab of the client's chart, click the Share Documents button, and search for the document to add to your document request. For more information, read How To: Share Documents With Clients on TherapyPortal.
Using the icons at the far right of the table, Practice Administrators can edit existing documents in the Document Library and view the document's revision history. Click the Edit icon to edit document properties (including whether or not the document is eligible for sharing on TherapyPortal), archive the document, or delete the document. Or, click the History
icon to view changes that have been made to the document over time. For more information, read How To: Edit, Archive, and Delete Practice Documents.
Any user in the practice can view and download documents shared by Practice Administrators in the Document Library. Click the View icon or Download icon.