Customize and Share the Notice of Privacy Practices

By default, each practice's Library includes a Notice of Privacy Practices which users can share with clients through TherapyPortal when document sharing is enabled. The Notice of Privacy Practices describes the practice’s procedures for protecting their patients’ protected health information and how patient’s can request access to their PHI. The form includes a model version of the Notice of Privacy Practices (adapted from the HHS model and approved by our legal team).

Note: While you are welcome to use the Notice of Privacy Practices provided, you must edit the form to add basic contact information and make any changes to comply with your specific requirements. The form is designed to comply with federal requirements/HIPAA – if you are subject to any more restrictive practices, such as state or local laws, you must ensure those requirements are appropriately addressed.

To customize the text of the Notice of Privacy Practices:

Role Required: Practice Administrator
  • Click Library > Portal Forms tab
  • In the table, click the Notice of Privacy Practices
  • Click the Edit icon in the form Preview box to edit.
  • In the blue informational box is a list of potential items you should replace in the default text, such as your practice name and an effective date for the notice.
  • Make sure that the remainder of the content is consistent with your practice’s policies and procedures and edit as needed.
  • Click the Save Changes button.
Note: You must edit the Notice of Privacy Practices before you are able to share it with your patients. You must replace all placeholder text and make any other required updates, then save your changes as described above. Once you have saved those changes, click the Edit icon in the form Information box and set the Portal option to Enabled and save your changes again.

To share the Notice of Privacy Practices with a client:

Role Required: Any
  • Click Patients > Patient name > Portal tab
  • In the Portal Requests and Shared Documents section, click the Share Documents button.
  • The Share Documents on Portal dialog appears. With the Library Documents tab selected, begin typing "Notice of Privacy Practices" in the Select Library Documents to Share field.
  • TherapyNotes will generate a list of potential matches as you type. Click on the form from this list to add it to the request.

  • Add other documents to the request if desired and enter Instructions for your request.
  • Click the Send Document Request link.

Once your request is sent, your client will receive an email notification informing them that there are documents ready for them to review. They will be prompted to review the form on TherapyPortal and sign to acknowledge they have received it. When your client signs and submits the form, the HIPAA NPP checkbox on their Patient Info tab will automatically be checked for you.

You can share the same form with a client as many times as needed. However, if you want to share the form with a client again before they have completed the initial request, you must first cancel the initial request before sending the form again. For more information on sharing documents with your clients, read Share Documents With Clients on TherapyPortal.

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