Electronic remittance advice (ERA) is a digital version of an explanation of benefits (EOB). As a TherapyNotes user, you may elect to receive ERA from your payers directly in TherapyNotes, allowing for a shorter turnaround time on claims. TherapyNotes also offers an assisted ERA payment posting feature, which scans the ERA for relevant information and records the insurance payment in your account for you. For more information, read Post ERA Payments.
Most payers require enrollment paperwork in order to send your ERA. This enrollment process is separate from the enrollment process for submitting claims electronically. In the event that a payer does not support sending ERA directly to TherapyNotes, you also have the option to upload externally received ERA files.
Prior to completing enrollments, ensure that the information you have entered in TherapyNotes exactly matches the information your payers have on file.
Enroll to receive ERA
To determine if you must enroll to receive electronic remittance advice from a payer:
- Click Payers > Payer Name > Payer Info tab
- Locate the section labeled Clearinghouse Services
The symbol that is shown next to ERA indicates the enrollment status for the payer.
A grey ban icon indicates that ERAs are not supported for the payer. These payers will likely send traditional EOBs, and insurance payments must be entered manually.
A green check indicates that you will begin receiving ERA whenever you submit new claims. This occurs if the payer does not require enrollment paperwork or if you have already completed the enrollment for this payer.
A yellow caution sign indicates that further action is required to receive electronic remittance advice from the payer.
To begin the ERA enrollment process for a payer that requires additional paperwork:
- If the payer is new to your practice and requires enrollment, first Save the payer to make the Begin ERA Enrollment button available
- Click on the Begin ERA Enrollment button
On click of the Begin ERA Enrollment button, you will be directed to a new tab containing the enrollment instructions for this payer. It is important to note the enrollment process may differ significantly between payers.
The following are common enrollment instructions you may be provided:
- Auto-Enroll: The new tab simply states "Auto-Enroll". This means your enrollment request is on its way and there is nothing else for you to do to submit an enrollment request for this payer.
- Quick Enroll: The new tab provides instructions to click a button that says "Quick Enroll". Simply click this button to submit your enrollment request for the payer - that’s it!
- Online Form: The new tab displays an online form specific to the payer and prepopulated with information available from your TherapyNotes account. Complete all required fields highlighted in red, noting that some may start as optional and become required as you answer questions on the form. Additional form instructions may be provided, including requests to attach documents - please read all provided information carefully. Once completed, submit the document using the “Submit Document” button within the window.
- Further Enrollment Instructions: The new tab will display a list of Enrollment Instructions for you to complete on the payer’s website. Please follow these steps carefully. In some cases, the Enrollment Instructions may be informational only. Be sure to return to this page once all steps provided are finished and click “Mark Completed”.
After enrollment initiation, the button will transition to 'Check Enrollment Status.' It's important to note that even for payers that do not require enrollment, the 'Check Enrollment Status' button will always be visible.
Use the ‘Check Enrollment Status’ button to access pending enrollment instructions again, view status information about a completed enrollment request, or to re-enroll if necessary.
ERA Enrollment Approval Process
Enrollment approval for ERAs can sometimes be a lengthy process. It is common that confirmation of enrollment is the receipt of your first ERA from the payer within TherapyNotes. If this is the case, we will update the status of your enrollment automatically within the system upon receiving.
For any questions about the status of a submitted enrollment request, please contact the payer directly.
Tips for Completing the ERA Enrollment Process
- One of the most common reasons for rejected enrollments is a Tax ID or NPI mismatch. Make sure that the information used for enrollment exactly matches the information that your payers have on file.
- Double check your work to ensure the documents are filled out completely. These forms are not created by TherapyNotes, they are made by the payers. Required fields may not be immediately visible and can result in rejected enrollments.
When in doubt, contact our support team at (215) 658-4550, option 4. This will connect you directly to our enrollments specialists who will be able to help you with any questions you may have. Please do not contact CLAIM.MD directly for enrollment support. They are not able to assist and will direct you back to our TherapyNotes Support team.