In TherapyNotes, a client's chart contains all of the client's records and files, giving you easy access to the information you need, whenever you need it. Each chart features a Billing Settings tab, which includes information about the client's insurance, prior authorizations, custom rates, and more.
Role Required: Practice Biller or Biller for Assigned Patients Only
To view and edit a client's billing settings:
- Click Patients > Patient Name > Billing Settings tab
- Click on any of the available boxes including Billing Comments, Insurance, etc. to edit the corresponding information
- Once all desired changes have been made, click the Save Changes button
Billing Comments
Enter client-specific billing information in this field, such as the start and end dates of old insurance plans, coinsurance information, and other general billing comments.
To enter insurance information for the client:
- Click the Edit icon in the Insurance box and select the +Add New Insurance Policy checkbox
- Enter the client's relevant insurance information prior authorizations, and additional claim information, ensuring that it exactly matches the information on their insurance card.
Add New Insurance Policy
Payer: Select the client's insurance provider from the dropdown. To select a payer that is not included in the list, first add the payer to TherapyNotes.
Priority: Select the appropriate priority for the insurance policy (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, or Quarternary).
Policy Comments: Enter any relevant comments.
Signature: Select the Patient/guardian authorized release of information and benefits assignment for claims checkbox. Insurance claims indicate that you have your client's signature on file. This signifies that the client has provided consent for billing to their insurance company to pay for the service.
Coverage: Enter the start and end dates for which the policy is in effect.
Deductible: This field is for your reference only. Because TherapyNotes cannot know if the client is meeting their deductible with other providers, the system cannot automatically track the deductible amount per billing line item. For more information, read How To: Manage Client Deductibles.
Appointments: If the number of allowed appointments for the client's insurance plan is known, select Number from the dropdown and enter the number of allowed appointments and the expiration date. If unlimited appointments are allowed, select Unlimited. Otherwise, select Unknown.
Fill out the remaining fields, ensuring that information entered exactly matches the information on their insurance card, and choose a Relationship under Policy Holder.
Secondary/Tertiary/Quaternary Insurance
If the client has additional insurance, click the +Add Insurance Policy button and repeat the steps above, making sure to choose the correct Priority for each additional policy.
Prior Authorizations
- Click the Edit icon in the upper right corner of the insurance policy to which you want to add the prior authorization.
- Click the +Add Prior Authorization button at the top of the Prior Authorizations section to enter prior authorizations per service code.
- The prior authorization code is only applied to appointments that are scheduled with the same service code that is selected from the Service Code dropdown. If your practice uses two versions of the same service code, TherapyNotes will only apply the prior authorization code to appointments scheduled with exact service code designated here.
- For more information, read Add Prior Authorization Codes.
Additional Claim Information
- If there is additional claim information for the client related to referrals or illness, select the Additional Claim Information checkbox.
- In behavioral health, these fields are typically unnecessary and left blank. If you are required to include referral or illness information on claims, fill out the relevant information as completely and accurately as possible.
Saved Credit / Debit Cards
If payment processing is enabled for your practice, click the Enter Card button or the Swipe Card button to securely enter and store credit, debit, or HSA card information. Cards may also be entered when entering a client payment.
Responsible Party for Billing
If someone other than the client is responsible for the client's outstanding balances, select the appropriate contact for the client from the Responsible Party dropdown. The responsible party must first be added as a contact in the Patient Info tab.
Patient Cash Rates
If you have negotiated a custom cash rate for a client and the rate has been documented in their services contract, click the + Add Rate Info button to enter the client's cash rate per service code. These rates are applied only to billing line items with the method Direct; custom rates are not applied to billing items that are sent to insurance.
For more information, read How To: Enter Custom Cash Rates per Client.