There are many circumstances in which you may provide services to a client at a discounted rate. Most frequently, you may offer a sliding scale fee structure to clients who cannot afford the established rates. Other times, you may offer a package discount or ancillary services that are not covered by insurance, or you may provide a client a discount to attend group therapy sessions when they are also coming for individual services.
If you have negotiated a custom cash rate for a client, document these custom rates in the client's chart. TherapyNotes will automatically apply the custom rates to billing line items with both Direct and Out-of-Network.
Role Required: Practice Biller or Biller for Assigned Patients Only
Enter a Custom Cash Rate for a Client
- Click Patients > Patient Name > Billing Settings tab
- Click anywhere on the Patient Cash Rates box to edit.
- From the Service Code dropdown, select the service code for which you have negotiated a custom rate.
- Enter the custom cash rate in the Rate field.
- To add a custom cash rate for another service code, click the + Add Rate Info button.
- Click the Save Changes button.