Once you share documents with your clients through TherapyPortal, TherapyNotes will automatically update the status when the client reviews or signs the document. The status of documents shared with clients on the client portal is shown on the client's Documents tab and Portal tab.
Document requests will be sorted by the Received date, with the oldest documents received at the top of the list.
Role Required: Practice Administrator, Clinical Administrator, Clinician, Intern, Practice Scheduler, or Supervisor
To Check the Status of Document Requests:
- Click Patients > Patient name > Portal tab
- In the Portal Requests and Shared Documents table, refer to the Status column.
- Click Patients > Patient name > Documents tab
- In the Notes and Documents for this Patient table, refer to the Status column.
Whenever you receive an electronic signature or a completed document from your clients, an alert will appear in your To-Do list. For more information, read Process Electronic Signatures and Paperwork From Clients.
To Check the Status of Multiple Document Requests
- Click Library > select "Portal Requests" in the lower right corner
Note: If you have your To-Do List Settings set to show administrative reminders for all patients, then you will be able to go to All Patients on this page by default. If you have administrative tasks for your patients only, there will not be an option to search for requests for patients not assigned to you.
- Under My Patients or All Patients, click the action you wish to search: Needs Processing on the practice's end, Waiting on Patient, or Custom to search for specific data.
- Under Custom, fill in the rest of the search criteria and when ready to search click Search Documents.