A user is any individual who has access to TherapyNotes, and this access can be tailored to the user's needs with specially defined user roles. To ensure the security of your TherapyNotes account, every person in your practice who needs to access TherapyNotes should have their own unique user name and password.
For information about how adding or editing a user might affect the cost of your TherapyNotes subscription, read TherapyNotes Pricing and Subscription Options.
Add a New User
Role Required: Practice Administrator
- Click Staff + New User button
- Decide what the new user should be able to do in your TherapyNotes account and select the appropriate Roles. Each user can have multiple roles. For more information, read User Accounts and Roles.
- Complete the User Information section. You must enter a user name, first name, last name, and email address for the new user.
Tip: User names are unique identifiers for each staff member in your practice. Typically, user names include some combination of the person's first and last name or initials, such as "JaneDoe," "JDoe," "JaneD," or simply "Jane."
- Click the Save New User button.
- The Temporary Password Created dialog appears with a temporary password that the new user can use to log in to TherapyNotes for the first time. Copy or write down this password, then click the OK button.
- Provide your new user with your practice code, their user name, and their temporary password. Upon their first log in, TherapyNotes will prompt them to create a unique, permanent password.
Edit a User
Role Required: Practice Administrator or Current User
Only Practice Administrators can edit a user's User Comments and Roles. Any user can edit their own User Information.
- Click Staff > Staff name
- Click anywhere on the User Information box to edit.
- Make any necessary changes. Add User Comments, update the user's Roles, or update User Information. Any user on your account can see other users' User Comments, Roles, and User Information.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Note: Never edit an old account for use by a new staff member. Instead, deactivate the user account for the individual who no longer needs it, and create a new user account for the new staff member. Having separate users for each person is crucial for auditing.