There are a few reasons why you may be automatically logged out of your TherapyNotes account:
- Your session has timed out due to inactivity (the duration of inactivity can be managed by a Practice Administrator in your practice's Security settings)
- A Practice Admin has updated your user roles
- Your account is logged in on multiple browsers or devices
TherapyNotes users are not permitted to share accounts, whether they're using the same account for multiple people or temporarily sharing the password of their account so that others can do things on their behalf.
As such, our software is designed to automatically log out a user if we detect that the same account is logged in from two or more browsers or devices.
Why can't I share my TherapyNotes account?
Sharing your TherapyNotes account is against our Terms of Service (section 2, subsection b). However, more importantly, sharing user identification (such as a user name and password) with another individual to access PHI is a violation of the HIPAA Security Rule. The Unique User Identification specification (164.312[a][2][i]) states that a covered entity must "Assign a unique name and/or number for identifying and tracking user identity." This allows covered entities to hold users responsible for actions performed within systems that deal with PHI, such as your EHR. In TherapyNotes, we associate actions with specific user names in your practice's activity log, which helps your practice with auditing, staff accountability, and keeping you in compliance with regulations.