When a client changes their insurance, updating the client's insurance information in TherapyNotes automatically updates the associated payer for any billing line items with the status of Pending Initial Submission and Pending Resubmission. However, some billing items may have already been submitted to the old payer and should instead be submitted to the updated payer. TherapyNotes allows you to manually update payers associated with billing line items to help prevent unnecessary claim rejections and ensure that your billing workflow remains uninterrupted.
Role Required: Practice Biller or Biller for Assigned Patients Only
Before manually updating the payer information for each billing line item:
- Click Payers and verify that the insurance provider is included in your practice's Payers list. If not, add the payer to your account.
- Click Patients > Patient Name > Billing Settings tab.
- Click the edit icon to edit your client's billing settings as needed. Verify or enter two insurance policies of Primary priority, making sure to leave the coverage dates empty. If secondary insurance policy options are also needed, enter those as well, making sure to select Secondary from the Priority dropdown menu. Click the Save Changes button.
To update the primary or secondary payer associated with a billing line item:
- Click Patients > Patient Name > Billing tab
- In the Search Billing Transactions section, click on the date of service.
- A dialog with additional details about the date of service appears. The Billing tab should be selected.
- Choose the desired primary insurance policy from the Policy dropdown menu. If a secondary insurance policy is needed, select the appropriate policy from the Secondary dropdown menu.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Repeat the above steps until all billing line items have been updated as necessary.