Clinician-Administered Outcome Measures

All outcome measures in the TherapyNotes library are available to be completed by a clinician during a session. This includes measures that are disabled for sharing via the client portal, such as measures that are not appropriate to be completed without a clinician. To learn more about outcome measures, please see Outcome Measures.

Administer an Outcome Measure

Role Required: Clinician, Clinical Administrators, and Supervisors

Click Patients> Select Patient > Documents tab

  • Click on Outcome Measures.
  • From the dropdown, select the questionnaire to administer.
  • The questionnaire will begin.
Note: The list is sorted to show which measures have been previously completed by the patient.

  • Click the Start button on that initial page to begin the assessment.

This experience mirrors the experience patients have when completing an outcome measure in TherapyPortal. Questions are provided one at a time. Sometimes, there will be specific instructions or additional information associated with a question. Enter the patient responses and navigate to the next question. To exit the workflow before finishing a measure, use the Cancel link in the bottom right or click something in the top navigation bar.

After answering the last question, click the Save button. This navigates to a document showing all the patient responses. This clinician-administered document can be downloaded or printed and does not requiring processing by the practice. The Document Information panel at the bottom of the page shows the full name of the Clinician who completed the measure. The results will remain available in the patient’s Documents tab.

Reviewing Clinician-Administered Outcome Measures

All completed outcome measures are available in the patient’s Documents tab. The Status column in the table differs depending on the method of completion. Outcome measures completed by a clinician during a session will simply say “Completed.” Measures submitted in the portal will continue to show as “Completed by Patient” once they are processed by the practice and will show as “Pending Patient Submission” and “Needs Processing” as appropriate before processing.

Note: Completed clinician-administered outcome measures do not appear on TherapyPortal.

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