How to Generate a Receipt in TherapyNotes

After processing a payment in TherapyNotes, billers will have the ability to generate a payment receipt from the payment page. This receipt can then be printed, emailed, or uploaded as a document through the client portal.  

Receipts will generate with your practice information, including a logo if applicable, at the top of the page. If patient account numbers are set up, this will also display on the receipt copy. 

Role Required: Practice Biller or Biller for Assigned Patients Only

To generate a Receipt for a New Payment: 

  1. Click Billing > Enter Patient Payment > Search patients OR Click Patients > Patient name > Patient Billing tab > Enter Patient Payment.
  2. Enter the payment details, for more information on recording payments, see Enter Patient Payments.
  3. Once the payment is created and saved, you will see a blue link in the upper right to click to Download Payment Receipt.
  4. The receipt should generate into your downloaded files, where you can click on the document name to open the receipt. 

To generate a Receipt for an Existing Payment:  

  1. Click Patients > Search patients > Patient name > Patient Billing tab.
  2. In the section labeled Search Billing Transactions, select All Items from the filter options. Payments appear in the transactions list with a light blue background.
  3. Click the date of service for the payment you wish to print a receipt for.
  4. In the upper right of the payment details, you will see a link to Download Payment Receipt.

The receipt should generate into your downloaded files, where you can click on the document name to open the receipt.

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