Effective Oct. 1, 2024, Optum added new requirements for outpatient supervisory services claims. TherapyNotes supports this by populating supervisor information in the claim for both Rendering and Supervising Provider so that they are billed appropriately to Optum commercial payer IDs. There are two ways to set up supervisees' who have appointments with Optum commercial insurance patients.
- You can set the supervisee’s billing options to “Bill as Supervisor (Incident-To) for all payers”. Go to Staff > Supervisee > User Information > Edit > Select Bill as supervisor (Incident-To) for all payers.
- You can also override the supervisee’s billing options for only the Optum commercial Payer IDs. To do so, go to Staff > Supervisee > Billing > Edit Payers.
It’s important to note that Optum requires the services to display a U5 modifier to indicate the supervisee billing rate. You can do that in a couple different ways.
- Manually add the U5 modifier to the supervisee’s Optum Billings by opening the scheduling dialog and selecting Billing. You can type the “U5” modifier into the modifiers box. Click Save Changes.
You can also create a Service Code with the U5 modifier to use for the supervisee’s appointments with patients using an Optum Insurance plan.
User Icon > Settings > Service Codes > Add Service Code
Type in the Service Type, Service Code, Description, Default Code, Standard Rate, and the Default Modifiers.
Click the Add Service Code to save the modifiers.