A Welcome Message is displayed to all of the users within your practice. Practice Administrators can change this at any time. It is useful for a practice-wide message such as "Don’t forget we're closed on New Year's Eve" or "If you need to reset your password please contact one of the Practice Administrators, Suzy, John, and Dave." Since all users on the account can see the message, do not put sensitive patient information in the Welcome Message.
This message can be changed by users assigned the role of Practice Administrator in two locations; on the Welcome screen, and in Practice Settings.
Create a Welcome Message
- Click the User Icon > Settings
- Click Practice Information
- Navigate to Accessing Your Account
- Under the Accessing Your Account section, type your message in the Welcome Message field. Text formatting options include bold, italic, and underline; autoformatting for paragraphs, headings, subheads, and quotes; and numbered and bulleted lists.
- Click the Save Practice Settings button.
Edit the Welcome Message
If there is already a Welcome Message saved, click the TherapyNotes icon to get to the Welcome screen.
- On the Welcome screen, scroll to the Welcome Message box and click the edit (pencil) icon.
- Under the Accessing Your Account section, enter your message in the Welcome Message field.
- Click the Save Practice Settings button.