Even if you are already credentialed with a payer, additional enrollment paperwork may need to be submitted in order to submit eligibility verification requests via TherapyNotes.
Prior to completing enrollments, ensure that the information you have entered in TherapyNotes exactly matches the information your payers have on file.
Enroll to Submit Eligibility Verification (RTE)
Most payers do not require enrollment in order to be able to submit real-time eligibility requests. For those that do require enrollment, instructions will be provided once you initiate the enrollment process.
To determine if you must enroll for electronic claim submission with a payer:
- Click Payers > Payer Name > Info tab
- Locate the section labeled Clearinghouse Services
- The symbol that is shown next to RTE indicates the enrollment status for the payer.
A green check indicates that you are ready to submit electronic claims to this payer. This occurs if the payer does not require enrollment paperwork or if you have already completed the enrollment paperwork for this payer.
A yellow caution sign indicates that further action is required to submit electronic claim to this payer.
To begin enrollment to submit electronic claims for a payer
- If the payer is new to your practice and requires enrollment, first Save the payer to make the Begin Electronic Claims Enrollment button available
- Click on the Begin Electronic Claims Enrollment button
On click of the Begin RTE Enrollment button, you will be directed to a new tab containing the enrollment instructions for this payer. Follow all the instructions provided on this tab. It is important to note the enrollment process may differ significantly between payers.
After enrollment has been initiated, the enrollment button will change to read 'Check Enrollment Status.'
Use the ‘Check Enrollment Status’ button to access pending enrollment instructions again, view status information about a completed enrollment request, or to re-enroll if necessary.
Tips for Completing the RTE Enrollment Process
- One of the most common reasons for rejected enrollments is a Tax ID or NPI mismatch. Make sure that the information used for enrollment exactly matches the information that your payers have on file.
- Double check your work to ensure the documents are filled out completely. These forms are not created by TherapyNotes, they are made by the payers. Required fields may not be immediately visible and can result in rejected enrollments.
When in doubt, contact our support team at (215) 658-4550, option 4. This will connect you directly to our enrollments specialists who will be able to help you with any questions you may have. Please do not contact Claim.MD directly for enrollment support. They are not able to assist and will direct you back to our TherapyNotes support team.