Superbills are most frequently used when your client has insurance that you are not credentialed with. Whether you choose to not accept insurance at all or your client would rather work with you than a preferred provider, their insurance plan may offer an out-of-network (OON) benefit. In this case, you can collect your fee upfront and provide documentation to the client to submit to their insurance provider for reimbursement.
Superbills are specialized forms meant for this purpose. They contain the necessary and detailed information about you as a rendering provider, the services you provide, and the fees charged that an insurance company would need in order to reimburse your client.
While TherapyNotes can help you easily create superbills to provide to clients, we recommend submitting out-of-network claims electronically through TherapyNotes on your client's behalf. To learn more about submitting claims electronically, read Submit Out-of-Network Claims Electronically.
Superbills can be generated once a clinician creates a draft of a billable note for a client who is set up to bill their insurance, allowing you to quickly generate the form at the end of a session. Nevertheless, be sure that your documentation is always completed and signed as well.
Before Creating a Superbill
- Click Patients > Patient name > Patient Billing tab
- Under Search Billing Transactions, click the date(s) of service you want to create a superbill for.
- Verify that the Method for the corresponding date(s) of service is set to Insurance - Out of Network - Paper. For additional guidance, read Set Billing Method.
- Verify that the Coverage for the corresponding date(s) of service is 0 or left blank. In order for the client to get reimbursed by insurance using a superbill, the client must pay the entire cost of the service up front.
- Enter the client's payment for the service.
Create a Superbill
1) Do one of the following:
- Click Billing Create Superbill OR
- Click Patients > Patient name > patient Billing tab > Create Superbill OR
- Click Payers > Payer name> payer > Billing tab > Create Superbill
2) Use the Include on Bill checkbox next to the dates of service you want to include on the superbill. A preview is generated as you add/remove selections.
- Optionally, sign the superbill. If you are a provider with multiple licenses, select the appropriate license from the dropdown. Note: Most payers require a signature from the clinician to accept a superbill for reimbursement.
Click the Save Superbill button. The superbill will be generated and automatically saved to the patient’s documents.