If you are leaving a different EHR and coming to TherapyNotes, welcome! If you are leaving a group practice and striking out on your own, congratulations! Whether you're transferring from another EHR or converting from paper records for the first time, the TherapyNotes team is here to help you get started quickly and easily.
TherapyNotes® can import your client list directly at no charge to you. This list includes demographic as well as insurance policy information. We are not able to import clinical documentation, diagnosis/treatment plans, billing history or your existing calendar. However, items such as clinical or administrative documents can be separately uploaded manually to client charts. For steps on how to upload your existing documentation, read this article Upload Client Documents.
Gather your client information into a spreadsheet
TherapyNotes is able to import a variety of demographic and insurance information into your new account. Refer to the table below to see what data can and cannot be imported.
Data Type | Able to import? | Format Requirement |
First Name | Yes | |
Last Name | Yes | |
Middle Name | Yes | |
Email Address | Yes | |
Contact Phone Numbers (Home, Mobile, Work, and Other) | Yes | Can be 7, 10, or 11 digits. Dashes, spaces, and parentheses are OK. |
Address (Street, City, State, Zip) | Yes | Zip codes can be 5 or 9 digits. Dashes and spaces are OK. |
Account ID Number | Yes | |
Social Security Number | Yes | Must be 9 digits. Dashes and spaces are OK. |
Date of Birth | Yes | Various formats supported (MM/DD/YYYY, MM-DD-YY, etc.) |
Marital Status | Yes | |
Sex | Yes | |
Employment Status | Yes | |
General Billing Comments | Yes | |
Primary Insurance | Limited | Insured's information, including insurance ID number and payer name. |
Secondary Insurance | Limited | Insured's information, including insurance ID number. Secondary payer name cannot be imported and needs to be inputted. |
Occupation | No | |
Employer | No | |
Assigned Clinician Name | No | |
Scheduling Data | No | |
Notes and Session Data | No | |
Billing Transactions and Data | No | |
Information Specific to Legacy System (Username, Client ID, Signature on File, etc.) | No |
If you are converting from paper records, enter as much of the importable information into an Excel document as desired, using one row for each client.
Format your document
The most important part of preparing your data for import is consistency. While multiple formats are supported for each type of data, formatting within the file itself should be consistent.
Follow the guidelines below to ensure a quick import process:
- Organize your file with column headers which clearly identify which type of data is in each column
- Ensure that all dates are formatted in the same way
- Ensure that all names are formatted in the same way
- Ensure that all phone numbers are formatted in the same way
Below is an example of what a properly formatted document may look like.
First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | DOB | Sex | Address | City | State | Zip |
Jane | A | Doe | 4/5/1972 | Female | 123 Sample Road | Willow Grove | PA | 19090 |
John | X | Doe | 1/23/1969 | Male | 123 Sample Road | Willow Grove | PA | 19090 |
Richard | Jones | 10/31/1984 | Male | 10 Circle Court | Horsham | PA | 19044 | |
Mary | Z | Perez | 12/1/1950 | Female | 5678 Generic Avenue | Philadelphia | PA | 19008 |
Send your file to TherapyNotes
Please never send client information or other PHI through email - email is not a secure method of communication. Use our secure portal to send us your Excel file.
To send your Excel file or spreadsheet to TherapyNotes for import:
- Log in to your new TherapyNotes account
- Send a File to TherapyNotes Staff
- Click the Choose File button and select your Excel file
Include the following information in the Description field:
- The words Patients List
- Your new TherapyNotes Practice Code for the account you want the information to be uploaded to
- Your full name
- The name of your old EHR or your old TherapyNotes Practice Code, if applicable
- Click the Submit File button
You will receive an email confirming that we received your Excel file upload and another confirming that your import is complete. The import process may take 1-5 business days.
Next Steps
Your clients are not assigned to clinicians when they are imported, so your client list may appear empty at first.
To see your migrated client list once the import is complete:
- Click Patients
- Select No Assigned Clinician from the Assigned to dropdown
- Click the Search button
For instructions on how to assign clinicians to clients, read Manage Clinician Assignments.
To upload additional files into TherapyNotes:
- Click Patients > Patient Name > Documents tab
- Click the Upload a Patient File button
- Choose any file related to the client, such as consent forms, practice policies, or session notes
- Click the Add Document button
For more information on uploading files into TherapyNotes, read Upload Client Documents.