Occasionally, you may need to scan or upload a document you asked your client to sign or complete electronically on TherapyPortal. Maybe your client doesn't have access to a scanner or phone to share completed documents with you, or perhaps they forgot to sign an important document before their session and need to sign a physical copy in the office. In the event that you send a document to your client to sign or complete through TherapyPortal but electronically signing or completing the document isn't possible, you have the option of scanning and uploading a signed document to complete the associated request on the client's behalf.
Upload a Document to Complete a Request
- Click Patients > Patient name > Documents tab or Portal tab
- Click on the name of the document that is pending signature or submission.
- For documents requiring a signature, in the Status line under Document Information, click the Upload a signed document instead link.
- For documents requiring upload, in the Status line under Document Information, click the Upload a completed document instead link.
- In the Upload a Signed/Completed Document dialog, click the Choose File button to select the document you want to upload from your computer.
- Edit the Date for the signed document if necessary.
- Click the Add Document button.
Once uploaded, the signed or completed document will also be available for the client to view on TherapyPortal.
In TherapyNotes, the document uploaded by your practice to complete the request is directly associated with the original document sent to the client. To view the document, click the name of the original document on the client's Documents tab. This will open a page that shows both the original document (under Original Patient Document) and the document you uploaded (under Patient Response).