Every TherapyNotes account includes a customizable client portal through which clients can now receive automatic receipts to. If Automatic Receipts are enabled, clients will automatically be able to view receipts for their payments, without the practice needing to create one. The receipts on the portal are viewable on the Billing tab of TherapyPortal. The receipts can be downloaded as PDF files and will show exactly how the payments were allocated.
Enable Automatic Receipts
Practice Administrators can enable or disable automatic receipts through the portal, depending on the needs of the practice. If enabled, clients will automatically have access to receipts for their complete payment history from the past 3 months, including payments recorded by the practice in TherapyNotes. If not enabled, clients will still be able to download a payment confirmation upon completing a payment in TherapyPortal, but will not have access to any of their previous payment history.
To enable client payments on the portal:
- Click User Icon > Settings > Client Portal
- Under Portal Payment Settings, select the Make receipts for all payments made by clients available on the portal checkbox.
- Click the Save Portal Settings button.