An add-on code is used to document services provided to the client above and beyond the primary service. Many add-on codes are associated with certain CPT codes and should only be used in conjunction with those specific services. For additional information on CPT codes and add-ons, consult this quick reference of commonly used CPT codes in behavioral health. In TherapyNotes, add-on codes are written with a plus sign (+) before them.
Add-on codes affect various parts of TherapyNotes. Here's what you need to know:
- When scheduling appointments, you only select the primary service code
- While writing the note for the appointment, the clinician can specify add-on codes by editing the note header
- Once the add-on code is specified in the note header, it will automatically be included on electronic claims and CMS-1500 forms
Create an Add-On Code
- Click the User Icon > Settings > Service Codes
- Click the + Add Service Code button.
(A) Service Type: The option selected in the Service Type dropdown determines what types of appointments the add-on code can be applied to. For example, an add-on code with the Service Type "Therapy Intake" can only be applied to Therapy Intake appointments. If one add-on code applies across multiple service types, create multiple add-on codes, one for each service type.
(B) Service Code: Enter the CPT code and select the This is an add-on code checkbox.
(C) Add-On Code Units: Some add-on codes can only be applied once for a session, while others can have multiple units. Select the Allow multiple units of this add-on code checkbox if your code is able to have multiple units billed.
- Enter the Standard Rate for your add-on code. This is the rate that will be included on all claims, unless otherwise specified in the Custom Rate column.
- Click the Add Service Code button.
Apply an Add-On Code
- When editing a note, click anywhere on the note header or click Edit in the upper right corner of the note header to open it.
- Click the Add-On Code button.
- Select a code from the dropdown that appears. If the add-on code allows multiple units, enter the number of units in the field next to the code.
- To apply multiple add-on codes, click the Add-On Code button again and continue adding codes as desired.
- Click the Update Note Header button, then re-sign and save the note.
Remove an Add-On Code
- When editing a note, click anywhere on the note header or click Edit in the upper right corner of the note header to open it.
- Click on the X next to the add-on code you wish to remove.
- Click the Update Note Header button, then re-sign and save the note.