An unassigned credit is a payment that has been applied to a client's account but has not been allocated to a specific charge. One of the most common instances of this is when a client prefers to pay for multiple services or copays up front, enabling you to collect the full payment, then apply the unassigned credit as the client receives services. Once an unassigned credit is applied to a client's account, the credit may be applied to open charges at any time.
Role Required: Practice Biller or Biller for Assigned Patients Only
Create an Unassigned Credit
- Click Patients > Patient Name > Patient Billing tab> Enter Patient Payment
- Select the Payment Method.
- Enter the Payment Date, Payment Amount, and other applicable payment information.
- The Payment Amount is automatically allocated to the oldest dates of service still pending payments.
- To generate an unassigned credit, the Payment Amount must be a value greater than the amounts entered in the Payment Allocation column. Edit the amounts in the Payment Allocation column as desired. The unallocated portion of the payment will be recorded as an unassigned credit.
- Click the Save Payment button.
- A warning dialog will appear to alert you that the unallocated payment will become an unassigned credit. Click the Save Payment Anyway button.
The unallocated payment is recorded in the client's chart as an unassigned credit. To view a client's unassigned credit balance, click Patients Patient name patient Billing tab and locate Unassigned Credit in the section labeled Patient Billing.
Apply Unassigned Credit to a Client Balance
- Click Patients > Patient name > Patient Billing tab > Apply Credit
- If there are multiple payments that have an unused balance, a dialog titled Payments with Unassigned Credit will appear. Click Use Credit next to the payment you wish to allocate.
- The Payment Date, Payment Amount, and other payment information is filled in automatically. If a portion of the payment has been allocated previously, this amount is visible in the Items Paid with this Payment table.
Note: Editing these amounts will remove payments that were allocated previously.
- To allocate the unassigned credit, locate the Open Items Awaiting Payment table and enter the desired amount in the Payment Allocation column.
- Click the Save Payment button.
- If the amount allocated does not match the total amount of the unassigned credit, a warning dialog will appear to alert you that the unallocated payment will become an unassigned credit. Click the Save Payment Anyway button.
Create an Unassigned Credit from an Existing Payment:
- Click Patients > Patient Name > Billing tab
- Option 1 - Click the date of payment you want to refund.
- Option 2 - Click the date of service you want to refund. Click Billing Activity History in the bottom left. Click the relevant payment next to Direct Payment.
- Click Edit in the top right.
- Remove the allocation from the date(s) of service you need to refund and leave the allocation field(s) blank.
- Click “Save Payment.”
- You will see a warning dialog that you are creating an unassigned credit. Click Save Payment Anyway.