Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are billed to the normal payer using a special service code. For example, if the EAP is under Aetna, bill to Aetna's normal payer ID using the EAP service code. If you don't know the service code to use, contact the payer's EDI department directly.
Step 1: Add a custom service code
- Click the User Icon > Settings > Service Codes (under Notes and Coding) > + Add Service Code
- Fill out the Service Type, Service Code, Description, Appointment Duration (if applicable), and Time Units.
- Only enter the rate for the payer(s) the EAP applies to.
- Click the Add Service Code button.
- To learn more about adding service codes, read How To: Add, Edit, and Delete Service Codes.
Step 2: Schedule the appointment
- Click Scheduling > + Create New Appointment
- From the Appointment Type dropdown, select the service type you saved the EAP under.
- From the Service Code dropdown, select the EAP service code.
- Fill out the rest of the appointment dialog as usual, then save.
Step 3: Complete the note
Complete the note as usual.
Step 4: Bill the date of service
Either submit the claim electronically or create, print, and mail a paper CMS-1500 form.
- To learn how to submit electronic claims, read Submit Electronic Claims.
- To learn how to create paper CMS-1500 claims, read How To: Create CMS-1500 Claims.