PDMP Easy Access in ePrescribe
Practices using ePrescribe can enroll in PDMP Easy Access so their prescribers can have earlier and easier access to prescription drug monitoring program summaries. With PDMP Easy Access, EPCS-enabled clinicians can view a patient’s Narx Score before they begin prescribing a new controlled substance without having to log into their state’s registry.
Request PDMP Easy Access
Click Settings > ePrescribe > Request PDMP Easy Access (in the Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs panel)
In the Request PDMP Easy Access dialog, your own contact information will be entered by default. If you want to switch to a different contact person, enter their Point of Contact Name and Point of Contact Email. When you're finished, click Submit Request.
After submitting your request, a message will display in the Easy Access to Prescription Drug Programs Panel indicating the request was sent. Watch for an email from Bamboo Health/Appriss Health with registration instructions. Once you're registered, TherapyNotes Support will send an email letting you know when PDMP Easy Access has been activated. A message indicating that PDMP Easy Access is enabled will also appear in the Easy Access to Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs panel.
Using PDMP Easy Access
With PDMP Easy Access enabled for the practice, a request for a patient’s PDMP history is automatically generated when an EPCS-enabled prescriber visits the patient's eRx page. A graphic summary of the patient’s Narx Scores will appear below the Patient Demographics Panel and Coverage Details Panel.
The Narx Scores panel shows a summary of the patient’s scores for Narcotics, Stimulants, Sedatives, and Overdose.
In the upper right corner of the Narx Scores panel, you can click buttons to view:
States Included: See all states included in the summary.
Error Messages: View error messages from the states included.
View Report: See a full report, if one is available, in a new tab