Payments on the Portal

Every TherapyNotes account includes a customizable client portal through which clients can submit credit or debit card payments. This feature is automatically enabled for practices with both credit card processing and their TherapyPortal enabled. Clients can log into their portal to pay their full balance or make a partial payment. Practices that do not yet have credit card processing enabled will need to apply for payment processing services before they can begin accepting payments through the portal. For more information, read Payment Processing Application and Fees.

Role Required: Practice Administrator

Enable Payments on the Portal

Practice Administrators can enable or disable payments through the portal, depending on the needs of the practice. When enabled, clients will see their balance due when they log into their portal account and will have the option to make a payment by entering their credit or debit card information. To enable client payments on the portal:

  • Click User Icon > Settings > Client Portal
  • Under Portal Payment Settings, select the Allow clients to make payments on the portal checkbox.
  • Click the Save Portal Settings button.

Note: Payments on the portal are automatically enabled if a practice has both their TherapyPortal and credit card processing enabled. Portal payments can be disabled by the Practice Administrator by adjusting their Client Portal settings.

The practice must be enrolled in payment processing services to accept payments through the portal. If the practice is not yet signed up for credit card processing, the Practice Administrator will be directed to enable payment processing. To start the payment processing application process:

  • Click User Icon > Settings > Patient Credit Card Processing
  • Click the Apply Now button

View Portal Payments

After a client makes a payment on the portal, the payment will be listed in the client's billing transactions as Credit/Debit on Portal under Type.

Note: The credit/debit card information the client uses to make a portal payment will not be saved on file for future use by the practice.

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